Keep Yourself Comfortable With IV Sedation Dentistry

At Charles County Surgical Arts, our oral surgeon - Dr. McElveen offers sedation to those patients that cannot otherwise receive the dental care they need to preserve their oral health. 

What is Sedation Dentistry?

Sedation dentistry helps patients feel calm, relaxed and at ease during dental procedures. It’s usually a moderate level of sedation where patients experience insensitivity to pain without the loss of consciousness.

For individuals who suffer from dental anxiety or fear, have a sensitive gag reflex, are afraid of needles, have extreme teeth sensitivity, or have special needs - oral sedation dentistry is most likely the best option for you. 

Get started by scheduling a consultation with Dr. McElveen today.

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Levels of Sedation

There are varying levels of sedation options that largely depend on a patient’s needs.

  • Light

    Nitrous oxide, also known as laughing gas, is inhaled through a mask or nosepiece, and within three to five minutes, it kicks in. Doctors can adjust the amount of sedation and the dosage throughout the procedure. Once the treatment is over, pure oxygen is inhaled to flush the nitrous oxide out of the system and it does it so quickly that you can even drive home afterward.

  • Moderate

    With oral conscious sedation, dentists give sedative medication, usually in pill or sometimes liquid form, about an hour before the procedure starts. This type of sedation makes individuals groggy and sleepy but they will still be able to communicate with the dentist if needed. These sedation effects last longer so you will need someone to take you home after the procedure. This is the best option for children under 10 or 11 years of age.

  • Deep

    IV or intravenous, sedation is the deepest form of conscious sedation available in a dental office setting. Sedatives are directly injected into your bloodstream through an IV line. Most people fall asleep and have little to no memory of their treatment when they wake up. This option is best for people with severe dental anxiety or those undergoing lengthy procedures. This is only offered to adults. 

Why Choose Charles County Surgical Arts?

Dr. McElveen and his staff are committed to giving the best patient experience possible. In addition to being an MD and a DDS, he has a PharmD degree and has specialized education in providing sedation.

With his multiple degrees, Dr. McElveen understands the importance of proper sedation from three distinct viewpoints—dental, medical, and pharmacological. This means all his patients are in extremely capable hands. With a commitment to patient safety, Dr. McElveen will review your medical history before your surgery to discuss your sedation options, answer any questions, and recommend the best treatment for your unique needs. 

Schedule a Consultation Today

You can visit us in person, and we also offer virtual consultations for patients who need them. Call our office to schedule your oral surgery consultation with Dr. McElveen today!

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